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Will Ariya, the Integrator's Pure Electric Vehicle, Become a Milestone in Reversing Nissan's Performance?

In order to recover the decline in global sales, Nissan recently launched a new pure electric SUV (sport utility vehicle) ariya to the global market, trying to open the company's "new era".This model will be launched in Japan next year, with a minimum price of about 5 million yen (about US $47000), and will land in Europe, North America and China by the end of 2021; Ariya has a maximum range of 610 kilometers, which is three times that of the first generation pure electric vehicle leaf launched by Nissan in 2010. It takes only 5.1 seconds to accelerate to 100 kilometers per hour.After experiencing huge losses in fiscal 2019, Nissan is eager to re launch its efforts to reverse the declining brand image. In order to get rid of the sales dilemma, Nissan has formulated this plan, the core of which is to reduce production by 20% worldwide, close some factories in Spain and Indonesia, and withdraw from the Korean market. Nissan hopes to cut fixed costs by 300 billion yen ($2.8 billion). Nissan hopes to achieve sustained growth, financial stability and profitability through transformation. Ariya is one of the achievements of Nissan's four-year business transformation plan.

Will Ariya, the Integrator's Pure Electric Vehicle, Become a Milestone in Reversing Nissan's Performance? 1

According to the data, Nissan's sales volume in Japan in 2019 is about 530000, of which about 130000 are electric vehicles. By 2023, Nissan will launch two new pure electric vehicles and four vehicles equipped with E-power. Pure electric vehicles will be new vehicles based on ariya and light vehicle imk. The SUV model KIX equipped with E-power will also be launched in the near future.Nissan not only plans to increase the proportion of electric vehicle products in the future, but also plans to deploy the Chinese market as the core market.Some analysts believe that the diversified demand of the Chinese market is an important reason for Nissan to develop ariya models.

According to Japan economic news, Nissan will increase the proportion of electric vehicles such as pure electric vehicles in Japan's domestic sales from 25% in 2019 to 60% in 2023. Under the background of continuous downturn in sales, Nissan will promote advantageous electric models and strive to restore market share.This year, Nissan's share price has fallen 34%, but on the day of the release of the new model, Nissan's share price soared 7.3%.The analysis points out that the appearance of Nissan ariya not only restores the shape of the concept car, but also the latest power technology also shows the development direction of Nissan's future electric vehicle. But at present, including Toyota, Honda and Mazda, other Japanese car companies have also begun to vigorously develop pure electric vehicles. Whether the integrator's Nissan ariya will become a milestone to reverse Nissan's performance still needs to be proved by market data.

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