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What do you know about the commonly used "light language" in cars?

What do you know about the commonly used light language in cars? 1

What other reminders do the headlights mean when driving? For this reason, we would like to introduce several commonly used car light languages ​​to facilitate car owners to use them while driving.

● Situation 1: The vehicle in front does not move after the green light turns on

Light language: The headlights flash once

When waiting for a car at an intersection, when the light turns green, sometimes you will encounter a situation where the car in front is motionless. Maybe he was a newbie, nervous and slow to start. Maybe the driver in front of him didn't pay attention to the change of the indicator light and was distracted when waiting for the red light.

At this time, the car behind usually takes some measures to give the other party a hint. Some people will honk their horns wildly, but this kind of irritable urging not only loses their grace, but may also have the opposite effect. Some riders got angry and simply drove slowly, deliberately blocking the cars behind them. As a result, everyone suffered a loss.

When encountering this situation, honking the horn wildly is obviously not appropriate. We can use flashing headlights instead of honking the horn rudely. Flashing the headlights once will usually make the car in front aware of the situation. If there is still no movement, flash the headlights again. Do not flash the headlights continuously. This is disrespectful to people and can easily cause the driver of the car in front to become rebellious.

● Situation 2: Encountered by strong lights at night

Light language: The headlight flashes twice to remind, and the headlight flashes twice to express dissatisfaction.

When driving at night, the biggest headache for everyone is to encounter someone who turns on the high beam all the way. This behavior of not switching the lights when meeting a car is not uncommon when driving at night. In fact, when driving in urban areas at night, in most cases there are good lighting on the road, so there is no need to turn on the headlights brightly. On road sections where road lighting is not ideal, turning on the headlights is an important factor in inducing car accidents. What should I do if I keep turning on my headlights when encountering an oncoming car? Maybe many car enthusiasts will adopt the "tit for tat" approach, and everyone will light up each other's headlights. This approach is obviously inappropriate. When experienced drivers introduce their safe driving experience, they usually say that they do not drive a car that is full of anger. This kind of "tit for tooth" behavior is a manifestation of anger.

If you encounter strong light, it is very likely that the other party forgot to turn off the high beam. Drivers can flash their headlights twice at a long distance before the meeting to remind the other party to switch lights when meeting. If the other party is indifferent, the rider can show dissatisfaction by turning on the double-bounce lights and tell the other party, "You are flashing me, please switch to low beam."

● Situation 3: Merge when encountering a vehicle

Light language: The headlights flash "Agree", the headlights flash continuously "Reject"

On elevated roads, highways and some ordinary roads, lanes merge often occur. At elevated ramps, traffic must pass alternately. In this case, if the communication between cars is not ideal, it is likely to cause a collision accident.

It is very dangerous to compete with each other in merging or intersections. Cars that need to merge must not forcefully change lanes directly. When a car prompts that a lane change is needed, should you agree to the other party's lane change or reject the other party's request? It is required that the car behind must give the other party a clear reminder.

When encountering a merging road or a section where vehicles are passing alternately, the lane-changing vehicle will first turn on the turn signal in advance, wait at the intersection of traffic, and tell the vehicle behind, "Can I change lanes?" If the vehicle behind agrees, it will slow down and flash its lights. Flashing the headlights means "agree to change lanes"; if it is inconvenient, flashing the headlights several times means "No, I don't agree."

● Situation 4: It is discovered that there is a problem with the neighboring car

Light language: The headlights flash three times

The doors of some cars are not closed properly, and the tire pressure of one tire of some cars is obviously insufficient... When driving on the road, when you happen to see some problems with other cars, no one will turn a blind eye, but how do you deal with the problems you find? Tell the owner of the problem car as soon as possible?

In fact, in the language of car lights, there are also light reminders that indicate that other vehicles have problems and need to stop and pull over for inspection. If a rider notices something wrong with a neighboring car, he or she can flash the headlights three times in succession for the car ahead, and then flash the headlights three more times when the driver of the car ahead notices the light. Of course, if someone flashes their headlights at you three times, you should also pay attention. Maybe there is something wrong with your car, and the car behind you is giving you a friendly reminder.

●Situation 5: The car behind is following too closely

Light language: Brake lights illuminate periodically

When driving on the highway, maintaining an appropriate safe distance is an effective way to avoid accidents. However, sometimes some people like to follow cars at high speeds and keep a relatively close distance. In this case, the driver of the car in front will definitely disperse. You should use part of your energy to "pay attention" to the car behind you, and you will inevitably have to worry about whether the car behind you will hit you because you didn't brake in time. At this time, the car in front must find a way to give a warning to the car behind, telling the car behind not to follow it closely. At this time, the brake light must be used.

When driving on the highway, the brake light is used in another way. When the car behind is too close to your own car, the driver of the car in front can lightly apply the brakes to remind the car behind "You are too close to me, you should stay away." .”

●Language of night driving lights

1. When the projection distance of the car light changes from far to near, it means that the car is approaching or entering an uphill slope.

2. When the projection distance of the car light changes from near to far, it means that the car is going down a slope or from a steep slope to a gentle slope.

3. When the vehicle lights leave the road, it means there is a sharp bend ahead or the vehicle has reached the top of the slope.

4. When the vehicle lights move from the middle of the road to the side of the road, it means there is a general curve ahead.

5. When the vehicle lights move from one side of the road to the other, it indicates that there is a continuous turning road ahead.

6. When the light emitted by the oncoming vehicle is shorter, it indicates that the oncoming vehicle is approaching the slope; when the light emitted by the oncoming vehicle is separated from the roadbed, it indicates that the oncoming vehicle is approaching the top of the slope.

7. When the front car's taillight light is bright or dark, it indicates that the front car is far away; when the front car's taillight light is relatively bright, it indicates that the front car is nearby.

8. When the distance between the left and right tail lights of the front car is large, it indicates that the car in front is a large car; when the distance between the left and right tail lights of the front car is small, it indicates that the car in front is a small car.

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