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It’s super simple, and you can understand how to use car lights in just one article.

It’s super simple, and you can understand how to use car lights in just one article. 1

It’s super simple, and you can understand how to use car lights in just one article. 2

After buying a new car, many friends find that they don’t know how to use many of the fun functions introduced and demonstrated by the salesperson when buying the car. Some friends will ask the salesperson again, but most of them don’t know how to use it. Some people are too lazy to ask, just forget it if they don’t know how to use it, as long as they know how to drive. In fact, part of the money we spend on buying a car is spent on these configurations. If you don't use these functions, it is equivalent to wasting your hard-earned money. Isn't it a pity? Therefore, the editor has the idea of ​​sorting out and sharing the meanings and operating techniques of various functions and buttons on current cars. Today I publish the first article, about the correct use of car lights. Don’t miss it if you pass by. Welcome everyone. Collect, like, comment, and leave messages to encourage me to create more tutorials.

It’s super simple, and you can understand how to use car lights in just one article. 3

1. First, let’s get to know the control switches related to the headlights.

The icon in the red box means: light switch. The light switch of any car model uses this icon to represent the light switch. The position of the light control switch of different car models may be different, but no matter where it is, this icon is used to represent the light. switch.

2.AUTO automatic headlights

It’s super simple, and you can understand how to use car lights in just one article. 4

2.AUTO automatic headlights

Icon introduction: AUTO means automatic headlights

How to use: When the white line on the left knob is aligned with AUTO, it means the automatic headlights are turned on.

Usage scenario: After the automatic headlight function is turned on, its photosensitive component (this component will be discussed at the end of the article) will sense the intensity of the light and automatically turn on the car's headlights based on the surrounding light and ambient brightness. This will save trouble and help you concentrate. Avoid distractions while driving, drive safer, and avoid tickets for unlit tunnels.

It’s super simple, and you can understand how to use car lights in just one article. 5

3. Width indicator light/position indicator light

Icon introduction: The red box icon in the picture above means the width indicator light, also called the position indicator light.

How to use: When the white line on the left knob aligns with the red frame icon, it means that the width indicator light is turned on, and at the same time, the taillight, license plate light, and instrument panel lighting will all be turned on.

Usage scenarios: Width lights are used to make other vehicles visible when driving at night. Generally in the evening, the road surface is still clear, but the vehicles in front and behind start to become a bit blurry. At this time, we should think in another's shoes. Others may see us as blurry, and we should turn on the width lights as soon as possible.

It’s super simple, and you can understand how to use car lights in just one article. 6

4. Low beam

Icon introduction: The red box icon in the picture above means low beam.

Instructions for use: When the white line on the left knob aligns with the red frame icon, it means that the low beam is turned on, and at the same time, the taillight, license plate light, and instrument panel lighting will all be turned on.

Usage scenarios: When driving in the evening when it is dark, dark or dawn, you should turn on the low beam in time; if you encounter rain, snow or heavy fog, and your vision is blocked, you must turn on the low beam even during the day. lamp;

It’s super simple, and you can understand how to use car lights in just one article. 7

5. High beam

Icon introduction: The red box icon means high beam.

How to use: When the white line on the left knob aligns with the red frame icon, it means the high beam is turned on. At the same time, the taillight, license plate light, and instrument panel lighting will all be turned on.

Usage scenario: High beam can only be used when there are no street lights on the road and no cars on the opposite side. Otherwise, it will seriously interfere with the other party's line of sight and may even cause a traffic accident. Do not use high beam headlights when driving in urban areas or on roads with heavy traffic at night.

It’s super simple, and you can understand how to use car lights in just one article. 8

It’s super simple, and you can understand how to use car lights in just one article. 9

6. Photosensitive element

Icon introduction: The button-like thing in the red box is the headlight control sensor.

Function introduction: As mentioned earlier, after the automatic headlight function is turned on, the photosensitive component will sense the intensity of the light and automatically turn on the car's headlights based on the surrounding light and ambient brightness. AUTO automatic headlights rely on this photosensitive component to work.

Note: Do not let objects block this position, because if there is an object on the sensor or attachments on the windshield blocking the sensor, the sensor may not work properly. This prevents the sensor from detecting ambient light levels and may cause the automatic headlight system to malfunction.

Car lights are one of the most frequently used functions on the car. Once again, we would like to remind you about the AUTO automatic headlight function. Most cars are equipped with this function, but many car owners have never used this function. I suggest you take a look. Does your car have automatic headlight function? If so, try it quickly.

The editor will continue to write tutorials on vehicle functions. Friends who are interested can follow and save them. They will receive reminders every time they are updated.

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