Mitsubishi PLC has many instructions, which is difficult to remember. Then we can only write down some basic Mitsubishi PLC instructions first, and then remember others while understanding them in the process of use! However, according to some new friends, Mitsubishi PLC shift command is difficult to understand, and they don't know much about its function and use.Mitsubishi PLC shift instructions deal with unsigned numbers. When executing, only the state of each digit in the storage unit to be shifted is considered, regardless of the size of the number (either 0 or 1). This kind of instructions are widely used when one output point corresponds to multiple relatively fixed states.Shift instructions are the processing of unsigned numbers. When executing, only the state of each digit in the storage unit to be shifted is considered, regardless of the size of the digit (either 0 or 1). This kind of instructions are widely used when one output point corresponds to multiple relatively fixed states.
1. Bit shift right SFTR command2. Bit shift left sftl commandSFTR, sftl: continuous execution instruction
Sftrp, sftlp: pulse execution instructionThe programming mode of bit shift right SFTR and bit shift left sftl instructions is as follows:Sftrp M0 M20 K16 K4 means: when the condition is true, move m3m2m1m0 right to m35m34m33m32m31m30m29m28m27m26m25m24m23m22m21m20, move 4 bits each time, and the low bit overflows.
Sftlp M0 M20 K16 K4 means: when the condition is true, move m3m2m1m0 left to m35m34m33m32m31m30m29m28m27m26m25m24m23m22m21m20, move 4 bits each time, and the high bit overflows.M0: starting address of source bit element, which can only be bit element (x, y, m, s)M20: starting address of target bit element, which can only be bit element (y, m, s)
K16: number of target bit elements, which can only be numericK4: number of moves, can only be numeric3. Circular left shift rol instruction ------------ continuous execution instruction rol ------ pulse execution instruction
4. Rotate right ror - Instruction - continuous execution instruction ror - pulse execution instructionDrol dror32 bitProgram format: LD X0
ROLP D0 K2D0: 16 bit data register. When x0 = 1, the data in d0 is shifted to the right by 1 bit per second; When x0 = 0, the data in d0 shifts left by 2 bits per second. For example, it is used for the lighting of flower color lamps one by one or n lights at an interval, and so on.Comprehensive arrangement of Hailan electromechanical and electrician learning network
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